Series - Conti (C)
The series consists of financial accounts sent to the Curia by the different procurators of churches and monasteries that fell under the Bishop's jurisdiction.
CBN00019 : Sodalità Agonia, 1723-1725, 16
CBN00020 : Altare Anime Purgatorio, 1724-1729, 17
CBN00021 : Lampada, 1725-1727, 18
CBN00022 : Sodalità Agonia, 1725-1728, 19
CBN00023 : Santissimo Rosario, 1726-1728, 20
CBN00024 : Confraternità Santissimo Rosario – Fondazione Psaila, 1726-1728, 21
CBN00025 : Santissimo Sacramento, 1727-1729, 22
CBN00026 : Sodalità Agonia, 1728-1729, 23