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Inventory No



Lista del popolo di Cas. Lia fatto li 25 Novembre 1677

Supplied Title

Casal Lia, 1677
Lija, 1677

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Liber cura animarum ecclesia Parrochialis Casalis Balzan sub titulo Annuntiationis B. Mariae semperVirginis

Supplied Title

Casal Balzan, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Liber status animarum Ecclesia Parrochialis Casalis Crendi factus anno Domini 1678 die vero mensis Julii per me D. Domenicum Formosa eiusdem ecclesia Parrochum

Supplied Title

Casal Crendi, 1678
Qrendi, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Rollo dell' Anime habitanti sotto le cura della Matrice e Collegiata del Gozzo fatto l'Anno 1678

Supplied Title

Gozo Matrice e Collegiata, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Libro della cura d'anime della Parrochia di Casal Balzano dell' anno 1678

Supplied Title

Casal Balzan, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Liber status animarum ecclesia parrochialis Casalis Lia factus anno Domini 1678 die vero va mensis Junii per me D. Petrum Hagius eiusdem ecclesia Parochum

Supplied Title

Casal Lia, 1678
Lija, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochianorum Civitatis Senglea

Supplied Title

Citta Senglea, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No




Supplied Title

Valletta - Porto Salvo, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Liber Status Animarum Ecclesiae Parrochialis Casal Zebbug Anno 1678

Supplied Title

Casal Zebbug, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Supplied Title

Casal Gargur, 1678
Għargħur, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation


17th - 18th century



Access to the Public

Physical only

Inventory No



Infrascrittus status animarum degentium in pago Attard liber de Anno Domini 1679 mensis Januarii die vero prima

Supplied Title

Casal Attard, 1679
Attard, 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Liber status animarum Parochialis Ecclesiae Casal Crendi 1679

Supplied Title

Casal Crendi, 1679
Qrendi 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Physical only

Inventory No



Liber status animarum Casal Hasach 1679

Supplied Title

Casal Hasach, 1679
Casal Axaik, 1679
Għaxaq, 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Physical only

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochiae sub titulo Sancti Nicola Casalis Siggehui

Supplied Title

Casal Siggehui, 1679
Siggiewi, 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Physical only

Inventory No



Status Animarum Civitate Vittoriose anni 1679

Supplied Title

Vittoriosa, 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Physical only

Inventory No



Lista di quelli che non hanno sodisfatto il precetto di la confessione e communione 1678 di Casal Zabbar

Supplied Title

Zabbar, 1678

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Stato dell' anime della Citta Notabile, Rabbato e lochi adiacenti

Supplied Title

Notabile - Rabbato

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise



17th - 18th century



Access to the Public

Digital only

Inventory No



Casal Zeitun

Supplied Title

Casal Zeitun 1679
Casal Zeitun 23 Aprile 1679
Casal Zejtun 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Casal Zurrici

Supplied Title

Casal Zurrici 1679
Casal Zurrieq 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Rollo del Parochia di Porto Salvo del 1679

Supplied Title

Valletta - Porto Salvo, 1679
Valletta Porto Salvo, 1679

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical