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Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Ecclesia Portus Salutis Ordinis Predicatur Civitatis Valletta Factus de anno 1695 ascenden ad nm 6446

Supplied Title

Valletta - Portosalvo, 1695
Valletta, Porto Salvo 1695

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Anno 1698 Liber Status Animarum Casalis Tarxen

Supplied Title

Casal Tarxen, 1698

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



17th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochiae Naxar

Supplied Title

Casal Naxar, 1709
Naxxar, 1709

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Ecclesiae Casalis Balzan 1709

Supplied Title

Casal Balzan, 1709

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Ecclesiae Parrochialis Casalis Balzan 1710

Supplied Title

Casal Balzan, 1710

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



1710 Status Animarum Parrochialis Ecclesiae Casalis Micabiba

Supplied Title

Casal Micabiba, 1710

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Ecclesiae Parrochialis Musta Anni Domini 1712

Supplied Title

Musta, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Animarum Status Ecclesiae Parrochialis Micabiba 1712

Supplied Title

Micabiba, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Ecclesiae Casalis Attard 1712

Supplied Title

Casal Attard, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Anno Domini 1712 Liber Status Animarum in quo scripta sunt nomina cognomina etatesque singuloru qui in Casali Dingli habitant

Supplied Title

Casal Dingli, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum factus Anno Domini MDCCXII Terra Curmi

Supplied Title

Curmi, 1712
Qormi, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Ecclesia Casalis Corcop anni 1712

Supplied Title

Casal Corcop, 1712
Casal Kirkop, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parrochialis Ecclesia Casali Balzani 1712

Supplied Title

Casal Balzan, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Ecclesia Casalis Zebbug 1712

Supplied Title

Casal Zebbug, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



1712 Status Animarum Ecclesia Parrochialis Civitatis Senglea sub titulo Nativitatis B.M.V.

Supplied Title

Città Senglea, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Gudia Status Spiritualis anni 1712

Supplied Title

Casal Gudia, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Casalis Gregorii Ann. 1712

Supplied Title

Gargur, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Stato del anime della Parochiale Chiesa del Zorico

Supplied Title

Zorico, 1712
Żurrieq, 1712

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Anno Domini 1713 - Liber status animarum in quo scripta sunt nominet connomina et atatesque singulora, qui in Casal Dingli habitant

Supplied Title

Casal Dingli, 1713

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century


Italian, Latin

Access to the Public

Digital and Physical

Inventory No



Status Animarum Parochialis Musta Anni Domini 1713

Supplied Title

Musta, 1713

Archdiocese Digitisation Project No


Scope and Content

The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.

Scanning Method

Full Digitisation

Year Precise


Year Start


Year End



18th century



Access to the Public

Digital and Physical