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Inventory No
Liber status animarum in quo scripta sunt nomina, cognomina, aetatis singulorum, qui in Casali Dingli misunt et habitant à me Paroco Josepho Mizzi factus anno Domini 1702 die XXV Maii
Supplied Title
Casal Dingli, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Full Digitisation
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Italian, Latin
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Rollo del popolo della Chiesa Parochiale di Casal Gregorio fatto nel presente anno 1712
Supplied Title
Casal Gregorio, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Full Digitisation
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Italian, Latin
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Supplied Title
Gozo, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Italian, Latin
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status Animarum Parochia Naxari Anno 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Naxaro, 1702
Naxxar, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status Animarum Casalis Safi Anni 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Safi, 1702
Safi, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum Civitatis Senglea ann. 1702
Supplied Title
Senglea, 1702
Isla, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Stato dell'Anime della Parochie di Casal Siggehui per l'anno 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Siggehui, 1702
Siggiewi, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Nota Status Animarum Casalis Tarxen facto immediate post Dominicum in Albis 1702
Supplied Title
Tarxen, 1702
Tarxien, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Rollo di tutte quelle persone dell'uno e dell'altro sesso soggette alla Chiesa Matrice di Porto Salvo de Padri Predicatori della Citta Valletta dell'Isola di Malta dell'Anno 1702
Supplied Title
Valletta - Parrocchia Porto Salvo, 1702
Valletta - Porto Salvo, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Communione Paschale dell'anno 1702 fatta nella Chiesa Parrochiale di S. Paolo della Citta' Valletta
Supplied Title
Valletta Parrocchia San Paolo, 1702
Valletta - San Paolo, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Libretto del stato delle anime della Parrocchia di S. Lorenzo della Vittoriosa, cioe Borgo, Castel S. Angelo, come ancora della Punta del Salvatore e Ricasoli dell'anno del Signore 1702
Supplied Title
Vittoriosa, 1702
Birgu, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Italian, Latin
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 4A
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum eccla. Parlis. Cas. Zabbar anno 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Zabbar, 1702
Zabbar, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum parrachialis ecclescie de Caterine Del Zeitun sub huc die 16 junnii 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Zeitun, 1702
Zejtun, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Liber satus animarum Cas. Zebbug factus mense Junij 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Zebbug, 1702
Zebbug 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Stato Delle Anime della Parochia del Zorico 13 Giugno 1702
Supplied Title
Casal Zorico,1702
Zurrieq, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum Eclessia parrochialis Casalis Attard 5 Maius 1703
Supplied Title
Casal Attard,1702
Attard, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum anni 1702 di Casalis Balzan
Supplied Title
Casal Balzan, 1702
Balzan, 1702
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum Ecclesie Parrochialis della Collegiata de Casal Birchircara Anni 1703
Supplied Title
Casal Birchircara, 1703
Birkirkara, 1703
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Status animarum ecclesie parlis. Burmla anistesste parrocho Ret. detto Don Jaochino Fabre DEL ANNO 1703
Supplied Title
Burmula, 1703
Bormla, 1703
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Not Digitised
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor
Inventory No
Parrochialis Eccla Cas. Chircop Status Animarum Anni 1703
Supplied Title
Casal Corcop, 1703
Kirkop, 1703
Scope and Content
The Synod of Augsburg in 1548 obliged parish priests to keep a record regarding the adhesion of the parishioners to the Catholic teachings. The Council of Vienne in 1557 gave explicit instructions for parish priests to note those that failed to adhere to the Paschal Precept and report them to their Vicar General. Both the Councils of Narbonne in 1551 and in particular that of Mediolanese of 1565 gave similar instructions. In 1614, Pope Paul V extended this universally by obliging the parish priests to keep a Liber de Statu Animarum. The 1983 revision of the Codex Juris Canonici withdrew the obligation of parish priests to keep the Status Animarum records. Although being ecclesiastical records, these could also be considered as the earliest censuses of Malta.
Scanning Method
Microfilmed by HMML
Year Precise
Year Start
Year End
18th century
Access to the Public
Shelf Location
Digital and Physical
Status Animarum Box 5
Archivum Mater Dei, 1st floor