Conto che vende Carlo Galea cum amministratore dell' beni libri titolati dello Spedale, in uno de quali li fratelli di quali li fratelli di questa Veneranda Confraternità del Purgatorio 1758-1760
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto da Giuseppe Grech come Procuratore della Veneranda Chiesa è Sodalità delle Anime Sante del Purgatorio Maggio 1774 e Marzo 1775
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto che ande Nicola Vassallo Procuratore della Veneranda Chiesa e Sodalità dell' Anima Santi del Purgatorio del mese di Agosto 1768
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto che rende Antonio Salnitro Procuratore Generale della Veneranda Sodalita del Purgatorio per due anni dal primo Aprile 1772 tutto Marzo 1774
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto che rende Saverio Paias come procuratore dell' beni urbani posti nella Vittoriosa, Senglea e Cospicua 1769.
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto del Signor Depositario Calcedonio Gatt dal 10 Aprile 1802 anno tutto Marzo 1804
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Decimo conto che rence il depositario Gio. B. Grognet dal Primo Maggio 1795 al Luglio 1802
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Quarto conto che rende il Depositario Giovanni Battista Grognet, dal Primo Maggio 1789 sin tutt' Aprile 1790
Supplied Title
Quarto Conto
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1746 al 1747 - Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della Procura de Stabili della Venerande Sodalità dell' Anime Sante del Purgatorio dal primo Aprile 1746 sin tutto Marzo 1747
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1746-1747
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1744 al 1745 e 1746 - Conto che rendano li Procuri della Venerande Chiesa dell' Anime del Santissimo Purgatorio Michele Mazzeo rispetto alli mesi di Aprile, Giugno, Agosto e Dicembre 1744 e Natale Spiteri delli mesi di Maggio, Giugno, Settembre, Novembre, Gennaio, Febbraio e Marzo 1745 e 1746
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1744-1746
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1746 e 1747 e 1748 - Conto che rispettivamente rendono lo Procuratori della Chiesa Giovanni Seicher e Natale Spiteri da Aprile 1746 sin Marzo 1747 e 1748
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1746-1748
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1747 al 1748 - Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della procuratore de stabili della Venerabile Sodalità dell'Anime Santi del Purgatorio dal primo Aprile 1747 sin tutto Marzo 1748
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1747-1748
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1748 al 1749 - Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della Procura de stabili della Venerabile Sodalita dell Anime Sante del Purgatorio dal primo Aprile 1748 sin tutto Marzo 1749
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1748-1749
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1748 e 1749 e 1750 - Conto rispettivamente reso dalli Procura della Chiesa Giovanni Seicher e Natale Spiteri da Aprile 1748 sin tutto Marzo 1749 e1750
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1748-1750
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1749 al 1750 - Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della Procura della Veneranda Sodalita dell Anime Sante del Purgatorio e suoi legati da Aprile 1749 sin Marzo 1750
Supplied Title
Valletta Anime, 1749-1750
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
1750 al 1751 - Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della Procura de Stabili della Venerabile Sodalità dell' Anime Sante del Purgatorio suoi legati dal primo Aprile 1750 sin tutto Marzo 1751
Supplied Title
Valletta Anime, 1750-1751
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Introito fatto del Procuratore Natale Spiteri per conto il mese di Maggio 1751
Supplied Title
Anime Valletta, 1750-1752
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Conto che rende il Signor Giovanni Battista Pace dell' amministrazione della Procura dei Stabili della Venerabile Sodalità dell' Anime Sante del Purgatorio e suoi Legati dal primo Aprile 1750 sin tutto Marzo 1752
Supplied Title
Valletta Anime, 1751-1752
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.
Anime Chiesa Procuratore Giovanni Seicher - Aprile, Giugno, Agosto, Ottobre, Dicembre 1754 e Febraro 1755
Supplied Title
Archdiocese Digitisation Project No
Scope and Content
Records related to the administration of the Archconfraternity of the Souls of the Purgatory, the Church of St Nicholas in Valletta and its obligations related to its members and the foundations it administered.